Getting started on Checkology

Checkology is a browser-based platform that helps educators equip their students with the tools to evaluate and interpret the news and to learn how to decide what news and other information to trust, share and act on. To get started on Checkology, just follow these three steps:

Step 1: Register your educator account

Visit this educator registration page to create a free educator account with Checkology.

On step three, you can sign in with Google or Clever single sign-on or sign up using email.

Step 2: Create a class and add students

Once signed in, add as many classes as you like by clicking the "+ Add class" button on your Dashboard.

After you’ve created a class, you can add students. Student accounts are free, and you can create as many as you’d like. Visit this Help Center article to learn about the different ways you can add students to a class.

Step 3: Assign a course

Once you've created a class, you will be prompted to assign a course. Courses are the collections of news literacy lessons, challenges, exercises and missions that you assign to students. Visit this Help Center article to learn more about creating a course.

Bringing in current events

Resources from the News Literacy Project contain real-world, current examples from social media and news outlets to help students see the relevance of news literacy in their day-to-day lives.

<aside> 📚 Lessons such as "Understanding Bias" and "Misinformation" help prepare students to navigate a challenging information landscape today by learning how to be critical news and information consumers.


<aside> 🧠 Exercises, challenges, and missions help students practice and extend their news literacy skills while also learning more about current events including COVID-19, the movement for racial justice, immigration, and climate change.


<aside> 🗞️ Subscribe to **the Sift,** NLP’s weekly newsletter for educators, to help you and your students sort through recent rumors, hoaxes and other misinformation.


<aside> 📺 Watch NLP's webinar series for an introduction to news literacy education and special sessions on teaching misinformation, digital verification and bias. All sessions include up-to-date examples and tips from October 2020.


<aside> 💚 Find us on Flipgrid! Every month, find new Flipgrid prompts that highlight news literacy concepts and skills using topics like the 2020 election and COVID-19.


Connecting with journalists

NLP's **Newsroom to Classroom program** brings journalists into middle schools and high schools — both in person and virtually — to share their knowledge and expertise with students in their community, across the United States or around the world. To schedule a Classroom Connection with a journalist, all you need to do is send an invite through Checkology. You can use this Classroom Connection Planning Sheet to help you and the journalist prepare for the visit.

1️⃣ Click on the "Journalists" tab.

2️⃣ Find a journalist and send an invite!

<aside> 👉 Visit the Checkology Help Center to get more information on how to use Checkology or to reach out to us via chat, phone call, or message.
